


The EarthMonster Scone ~ Coming Soon!

I hate my name. They gave it to me as a joke, to make fun of me. Like it's so weird to care about good health. I know the others are delicious. You think I don't know that? With all that heavy cream, who wouldn't be delicious? I'm made with whole grains and walnuts, orange honey, and buttermilk. People who care about their health can feel good about eating me. And I'll tell you something else... they happen to think I taste pretty damn good. Okay? Some people like me more than those rich, flaky scones. And they work out... so back off!

HomeBonny's Scones are packaged in see-through plastic bags tied with bright yellow ribbons. Each bag comes with it's own creative story from The Secret Lives of Scones. The packages make wonderful gifts.

EarthMonster Scones will be available for sale soon! Until then, check out HomeBonny's other delicious treats...

Available Now
Classic Currant SconesCranberry Orange SconesLemony Ginger SconesLovers' Scones

Coming Soon
Earthmonster SconesGingerbread SconesTuscan Scones